
Men’s Golf Wednesday 21/4/21

What a beautiful day for a game of golf, and 91 players took to the course and the course was the winner. Only one player beat his handicap. The course was in terrific condition, but it was difficult to play.

Division 1 winner was Simon Woolley off 14 for 38pts, Runner up was Graeme Veivers off 17 for 36pts. Division 2 winner was Michael Byrne off 27 for 36pts winning on Count back from John Edwards off 20 also with 36pts.

NTP’S Division 1 2nd hole Laurie Morgan, 7th hole Wayne Stone, 12th hole Simon Woolley and 16th hole Michael Druhala. Division 2 2nd hole John McLoughlin, 7th hole Graeme Baker, 12th hole Max Jessop and 16th hole Sean Butler. Pro Pin was won by Simon Woolley $80. Ball run down was 33pts. Bazza’s Birdie Blitz went to Greg Seymour $20 Pro Shop voucher. Today’s Raffle Winners were Wayne Martlew $25 , Brian Meekings $25 and Ray Mills $50.

With our course in great condition and the weeds being removed from the greens a little time needs to be spent in the bunkers. If you play a shot out of the bunkers spend another 30 seconds and rake out some extra footmarks.

Joke of the week

The Reverend Col Norton woke up Sunday morning, he realized that it was an exceptionally beautiful and sunny day and decided he just had to play golf. So he told the associate Pastor that he was feeling sick and convinced him to say mass for him. Then he headed out of town to a golf course about 40 miles away, this way he knew he wouldn’t accidentally meet anyone he knew from his Parish. Setting up on the first tee, he was alone, after all, it was Sunday morning and everyone else was in church. About this time, St. Peter leaned over to the Lord while looking down from Heaven and exclaimed, “You’re not going to let him get away with this, are you”, the Lord sighed and said, “No I guess not”. Just then Father Norton hit the ball, it shot straight towards the pin, dropped just short of it, and rolled up and fell into the hole. It was a 420 yard Hole-in-one! St. Peter was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked, “Why did you let him do that?. The Lord smiled and replied, “Who’s he going to tell?.

Hit em long, hit em straight.

Kevin Haddrick