
Mens golf Wednesday 14/4/21

What a beautiful day today was, just perfect for golf. Great that the course is finally just about dry and we are able to use carts. Some good scores were recorded but on the down side, we had to disqualify 2 players for not signing their cards.

Division 1 was won by Darryl Davey with a nice 43pts and Runner up was Phil Coles on a count back with a fine 40pts. Division 2 winner was Gary Scott with 40pts, and runner up was Nelson Brannigan with 36pts on count back. Ball rundown went to 34pts.

NTP’s Division 1 on the 2nd was Tony Brown, the 7th Graeme Veivers, 12th Stephen Robinson, and 16 John Faust. Division 2 on the 2nd was Ken Walker, 7th John Baddeley, 12th Ken Walker, and the 16th David Kammer. Pro Pin Stephen Robinson $82.00 Bazza’s Birdie Blitz was won by Keith Cooper $20 Pro Shop voucher. Today’s Raffle winners John Dalley $75 and Charlie Huff $25.

Joke of the day

A Genie appears and offers a golfer Three wishes. ” The only catch”, says the Genie, “is whatever you wish for, your wife will receive 10 times over”. “Ok” the golfer says, “I want to be the best golfer in the world”. The Genie blinks, and suddenly, the golfer can feel a new golf swing —- the grip, the take away, the power. “You can now crush every golfer in the world.” The Genie says, “Except your wife, who will beat you like a Drum.”

The golfer is a little Bummed about that, so for his second wish, he asked to be the world’s richest man. “It’s done”. Says the Genie,but don’t forget that your wife can now buy and sell you 10 times over. One wish left. “OK”, The golfer says , “For my last wish, I’d like to have a mild heart attack”.

Hit em long and hit em straight

Kevin Haddrick