Well the rain came “again” and ruined Golf “again”. It was looking as if we were going to have carts back on the course, but that wasn’t to happen, and the walkers were the only ones allowed to play. And that was the right decision.
Today we were going to have our Monthly Medal but we changed it to a Single Stableford event. 2 Divisions.
Just quickly, with the greens being soft, there is a lot of ball plug marks on all the greens. If you see plug marks spend a little time and repair 3 or 4 and keep our greens looking good.
Today’s winners were Division 1 Owen McCallum (18) 41pts, Runnerup Paul Pochodyla (12) 40pts.
Division 2 Gerry Martin (19) 35pts. Runnerup Mark Jessop (22) 32pts.
Division 1, 2nd Nimai Strickland, 7th Michael Wood, 12th Brian Springfield, 16th Jason Wootton.
Division 2, 2nd Rick Downes, 7th Greg Morrison, 12th Charles Huff, 16th Philip Wooldridge.
PRO PIN Brian Springfield $45.00
Banora Point Real Estate Lucky Draw Gerry Martin $20.00
Raffle Winners were, Greg Morrison $25, Michael Walsh $25, Perc Dempsey $25, Gary Pettit $25.
Joke of the day
Towards the end of a particularly trying round of golf, Jack was the picture of frustration. He’d hit far too many fat shots. Finally, he blurted out to his caddie, “I’d move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course.” “Try Heaven, ” replied the caddie. “You’ve already moved most of the Earth.”
Hit em long and hit em straight
Kevin Haddrick Captain