Golf Committee


Time again to bring everyone up to speed on what’s happening at Club Banora Golf Club.

Although we are still in a COVID situation, things have almost returned to normal. We can share golf carts, handle and sign each others cards, use the drink fountains for bottle filling, rubbish bins for litter, rakes in the bunkers and removal of flags if needed. So we are progressing be it ever so carefully.

As we no longer have preferred lies in the bunkers, it is expected etiquette to rake the bunker after it has been entered. There seems to be some confusion on this issue as the Complaints Department have been receiving lots regarding the state of the bunkers. If you get in a bunker, please rake your footprints, plug and scuff marks before leaving and don’t be scared to tidy up after those that haven’t.

While I’m on the soap box here, can I mention Buggies /Carts to keep required distances from the greens and as you are carrying a sand bucket , fill in a divot or two as you go. We have a great course that is in great order and with a bit of help from us, the golfers, it will continue that way.

We have received a Complaint from a lady that walks around the area and carries a dog in a bag/basket. The dog is not capable of walking and apparently some comments have been made to the said lady. If these comments were made and were thought to be in jest, they have not been received that way and a harassment complaint has been made to Twin Towns. Please be aware of this situation and not stir up trouble we don’t need.

On a brighter note the men’s pennant Teams are being finalised and we are planning on having four teams representing us this year. We have an enviable record with this tournament, bringing home Pennants a number of times over the past years. We would like some Volunteers to act as substitutes if/when needed as penalties are incurred if a full team does not participate. Please let Captain Kev Haddrick know if you are willing to take on a substitute role. You don’t have to be good , just willing.

Ladies Golf is starting to get back into full swing. They seem to have suffered the most with the wet weather of late, as almost all of their comps were washed out. We wish you good golfing for the rest of the year. Last time I spoke to Hughie he indicated that it looked good for the future.

Veterans golf is running like a well oiled machine but numbers are down slightly and Captain Dave is missing happy, smiling faces.

Men’s golf is going well and now that we are out of the wet season and into those glorious Autumn and Winter Days, numbers should start picking up again, so get your names in before the slots fill up.

It was good to see the roll up we are getting particularly on Saturdays when it was walkers only. Congratulations to those hearty souls whom battled the soft track and the sweltering heat generated from it. A special mention to Wayne Muir, who told me “Never again” three times. He almost made me feel guilty for not playing until I saw the condition he was in after each round. Well done to those members that came to the Club for Presentations although they hadn’t played themselves. It was like days of old and a good reminder that you don’t have to be a player to enjoy each other’s company.

I hope you all keep well , play well and keep smiling.

Yours in Golf

Brent McLennan (President)

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