
Men’s Saturday Comp 2nd January

 We are back with our Blog’s with the new computer system in place, thanks Ken Culpitt for taking ownership of the process.

Happy New Year to all our members.

Monthly Medal Day to start the New Year, fields were down with 75 players and were fortunate to have fine weather for the day.

Scores for the day were quite good seeing most members have had a break over the Christmas period due to the weather.

Congratulations to the winners for the day;

A Grade Ray Mills net 69 (10)

B Grade Wayne Woodford net 65 (16)

C Grade Kym Fiora net 67 (23)

Runners Up

A Grade Mick Kemp net 71 (7)

B Grade Michael Noakes net 68 (17)

C Grade Darren Hubery net 68 (24)

Ball rundown to 71 net all inclusive.

NTP 2nd– – A-Mick Tink-Hornett, B- Bryan Penny C-John Baddeley

NTP 7th– – A-Paul Pochodyla, B- Simon Woolley C-Paul Quinlin

NTP 12th– A-Brian Springfield, B Colin McLeod- C- John Olsen

Pro Pin- Brian Springfield $68

NTP 16th – A- Paul Pochodyla B- Ken Mount C-Graeme Johnson

Lucky Draw – Terry Trivett

Raffle-T Trivett (2), D Hubery (2) and T Blair (1)


With the Island House / Pro Shop back open, you are able to purchase food and refreshments before and after your rounds, so please support it.

Joke of the Week

A golfer ran into an old buddy at the driving range one day. They talked about their games, their swings, and all manner of things.
Eventually, one of them said, “How’s the family?”
The other replied, “Oh, pretty good. I got a new set of clubs for the wife the other day!”
“Hey, good trade!” replied the former good buddy

Kevin Haddrick- Captain