
Vets Golf.

Still a bit damp under foot out there, when will this rain give us a break ?Only 35 players today hence 1 grade.

Winner Graeme Johnson(21)37pts R/U Wayne Howlett(20)36pts c/b.

NTPs2ndHouse.7thTony Waller+Terry Trevitt.12thTony Brown+Peter Malone.16thDavid Wallis+House.Rundown 32 all in.

Raffles,All $25 David Wallis, Les Isbell, Bob Duncan ,Grahame Malley.

B.B.B. Les Isbell $20.Moobah Vets open day 30th may $35 Closes 16th may see David Wallis if you wish to attend.

Good golfing and mental health (red oclock time) cheers Capt Dave.