
Vets Golf

Monday 8th February 2021.

Rain must have scared some players today with only 48 true athletes striving to beat there handicap. No rain to speak of maybe the others were watching the Super Bowl.

Div.1 winner Terry Trevitt (22) 37pts.

r/u Joe Lehkyj (11) 35pts.

Div.2 winner Peter Wazlawek (32) 38pts.

r/u John Bell (25) 36pts.

Rundown 33pts all in. Well done to all you boys.

Raffle Winners Rod Jackson, Michael Pattison, Greg Seymour, Merv Evans and Dave Harrod.(all #25).

Well thats all folks good golfing and mental health cheers Capt Dave.(still on the wagon and loving it)