
Vets Golf.

A very very Blustery day making conditions extremely difficult for all, reflected by the low scores in. Rundown 31pts all in.

Well done Gary Clarke Eagle on 14th. 6 balls for you.

Div. 1 winner Stuart Irving(18) 36pts. R/u David Von.(10) 34 pts.

Div. 2 winner Hayden Gilbank (31) 33 pts. R/u Stephen Caine (27)31pts.


2nd. Col Norton + Rod Jackson.

7th. Dave Von. + John Bell.

12th. Steve Wilko + Ken Davey.

16th. Dave Von. + Ken (blender) Woods.

Raffles. $50. Dave Von. $25. Steve Caine + Greg Seymour.

Well done to all winners. Good golfing and mental health.

Cheers Capt. Dave.(red o`clock).