Golf Committee

Ladies Thursday Golf 13 th June

It’s starting to feel like we are getting back to normal . We played our June Monthly Medal on time so here’s hoping we only get the odd shower at night just enough to keep the course ticking along.
Next week we have a single stableford and to finish off the first half of our year we have a fun day! Our Captain vs Vice Presidents Day there are still some spaces left so come along and join us!🤩 Tomorrow Katrina and I will choose our teams so check the time sheet to see whose side you are on and we will also choose our colours! 🤩

Now for the results from our Monthly Medal . In 1st Division the winner was Pat Hodda with 69 net she also won the Gross with 96.Runner up was June McFadden with 73 net. In 2nd Division the Winner was Maren Cooper with 75 net , the Runner up was Myra Biggar with 76 on a count back she also won the Gross with 107 .
NTPs were won by Denise F Culpitt, Myra Biggar, Katrina Springfield, and Marlene Wyatt.
Putting was won by Kaye Mills 32 and Myra Biggar 29.
The Pro Pin was won by Pat Hodda.
Players in the Rundown were: Denise F Culpitt, Marilyn Burns, Coral Rasmussen,Glenda Ballard, Liz Edwards, Peggy Williams, Colleen Kelly.

To start off the second half of our year we have our belated CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS starting on the 4 th July with our July Monthly Medal being held in conjunction with the 1 st round . Conditions of play will be on the notice board this week .

Thanks to our team of helpers , our committee and the ladies who just step in and help out in many ways when we need them 💖💖

Cheers to all

Captain Liz and the team


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