Golf Committee

Saturday 22nd June Men’s 4 Person Ambrose

90 starters in today’s field, which was a great turnout. It was a free day for all members. Once again, conditions favoured the morning players. The afternoon players had the worst of the chilly breezy winds.

Thank you to everyone who supported our raffle. It was great to see and congrats to today’s winners.

Winning Team with a 56.25: Stephen Evans, Mark James, Graham Hopkins and Des Scott.

Runners up with a 56.62: Justin Hayes, Michael Byrne, Steve Salter and Will Salter.

Ball rundown to 57.00 all in

Propin: Mark James $90

2nd: Garry Dowding

7th: Ed Brierley

12th: Mark James

16th: Des Scott

Longest drive 0-18: Michael Tink-Hornett. Wittnesses say he drop kicked it. Nice Drive Tinky

Longest drive 19 to 36: John Tannahill.

Raffle: Brent Mclennan $75, Barry McFadden $25, Davis Wallis $25, Nigel Luxton $25, Martin Dobney $50 and Patrick Tregellas $25

Captain Patrick 🫡

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