Golf Committee

Vets Golf.

Brrrrrr winter is still here but warmed up a bit after 9 holes. 42 starters hard school today with run down 36pts. all in.

Div. 1 winner Ros Telfer(19)40pts.on c/b Bob Wilson(17)40 pts.

Div. 2 winner Brian Britton(29)37pts. r/u Hugh Netto(33)34pts.


2nd. Pat Hayes + Peter Wazlawek.

7th. Kim Thackery + Ray Hewitt.

12th. Keith Cooper + Owen Snelling.

16th.Robert Sheppard + Derryk Russell.

Well done Robert Irvine eagle on 18th. 6 balls.

Raffle. $75 Tim Pooley. $25 Grant McLean.

Well done to all winners. Good golfing and mental health’

Vets open day 12th ,August 7.30. for 8.00am. shotgun start, $35 with light lunch supplied. Get your teams and put money in envelope and give to Captain Dave, entries close monday 29th July.

Cheers Capt. Dave.(red o`clock).

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