Golf Committee

Saturday 6th July Men’s Single Stableford

What a day…. rain.. wind…10mins of sunhine and more rain. 14 brave and crazy die hard golfers braved the conditions. We had reports of streams of water going across the greens and water ankle deep on the fairways, bunkers that could be swimming pools, I even saw people in barefoot. Big congratulations to those who finished 18 despite the weather.

JULY monthly medal will be pushed back to another Saturday this month. Check blog for more details later in the week.

Winner: Ryan Modini 34 points. Runner up on a CB was Elliot Pigury 34 points

Ball rundown to 25 points all in


2nd: Ryan Modini

7th: Patrick Tregellas

12th: Shane Vanderlight

16th: Patrick Tregellas

No raffle this week

Captain Patrick 🫡

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