Golf Committee

Vets Golf.

A very nice winters day, a little chiily early but lovely sunshine. 44 players with rundown 33pts. all in. Welcome to new vet Peter Lindeblad.

Div. 1 winner. Wayne Muir (20)36pts on c/b Ken Walker(21)36pts.

Div. 2 winner.Hayden Gilbank(33)40pts. R/U. Terry Trevitt(26)39pts.

N.T.P.S. 2nd. Nick Davis + House. 7th. W. Howlett +Hayden Gilbank.

12th. Ray Hewitt +House. 16th. Dave Wallis + Merv Evans.

Raffles. $100 Bob Wilson. $25 Ross Telfer.

Well done to all winners. Good golfing and mental health.

Cheers Capt. Dave.(red o`clock)

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