Golf Committee

Ladies Results for Thursday 18 th July🏆

This round incorporates the July Monthly Medal and the first round of our 2024 Club Championships . We still have two rounds of our Championships to go hopefully next week on the 23rd and 25 th July.
Our Pink Lady Day has been rescheduled to the 22nd of August and we have permission to make it a fundraiser for Cancer Care at the Tweed Hospital!
Sorry to tell you but we will have our August Monthly Medal on the first of August then we can relax the next week and play a 2 person Ambrose !🤣 Don’t relax too much as on the 15 th we have our 27 holes Foursomes Championships .

Monthly Medal Results:

Winner of Div 1 : Kaye Mills with 71 nett she also won the gross with 86. Runner up nett was Peggy Williams with 73 nett.

Winner of Div2: Pauline Benny with 70 nett she also won the gross with 104. Runnerup nett was Lisa Smith also with 70nett.

Still 2 rounds to go for our Championships and fine but cool weather forecast so we look forward to seeing you out there we will do a draw after the results on Tuesday as soon as we can !

Good Luck and have fun!!🤣🤣🤣

Captain Liz and the team

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