Golf Committee

2024 Mens Keno Qualifier

10th of August is our 2 man ambrose Keno qualifier round. If you are interested in playing in this event please put KENO on the top of your card and put the $5 cash in a box behind the bar and also record your name on the sheet. The comp will run as per normal and the Keno qualifiers will be added to the comp along with those not entering Keno. It will be a standard 2 man Ambrose. Please read the below information carefully as there are many rules and regulations regarding handicap differences.

Please check the link as it detains to the info regarding the next round of the keno event and location. No point qualifying if you can’t make round 2.

2024 KENO Let’s Play Ambrose EVENT INFORMATION

See below for a summary of some KEY POINTS for the Keno Let’s Play Ambrose Competition. For FULL details of the Competition, please refer to the Terms of Competition (Link Below). IMPORTANT

1. Both players must attain the age of 18 years by the date of the State Final.

2. Both players must be affiliated members of the golf club hosting the Club Qualifying Event


1. Two Person Ambrose (Men’s, Women’s & Mixed)

2. Both players may place the ball within one club length where the original ball has been marked

3. Players must play from the same area of the course where the ball has been marked (eg. General Area, Bunker, Penalty Area)

4. Ball on the green must be placed within 15cm of the marked ball (not nearer the hole)

5. Each player must use at least 6 tee shots during a round6. Tee shots used MUST be indicated on the scorecard


1. The Pair must have a minimum combined daily handicap of 8 (eg. if one player’s daily handicap is 4 and the second players daily handicap is 2 – they cannot play together because combined that is only 6)

2. Each player in the pair must have no more than 20 strokes difference in their daily handicap. (eg. If the lowest marker’s daily handicap is 5, their partner must playoff no more than a daily handicap of 25). NOTE: If a pairs daily handicaps are more than 20 strokes different, the higher marker will be limited to a daily handicap 20 strokes above the lower marker’s daily handicap.

3. The pair’s PLAYING handicap on the day will be ¼ of their combined daily handicap.

Entry Fee: $5.00 per pair

If you have any questions. Please email

Captain Patrick 🫡

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