The Medal of Medals Champion is Nathan Stockwell. Nathan won 3 monthly medals throughout the year. Congratulations Nathan on a solid round and being crowned the Medals of Medals Champion.
February Monthly Medal Results,
A Grade: Nathan Stockwell (7) 71, Runner up: Paul Pochodyla (11) 74.
B Grade: Bob Wilson (18) 70, Runner up: Charlie Huff (16) 72.
C Grade: Graeme Johnson (21) 73, Runner Up: Tony Waller (25) 74.
Ball Rundown to 75.
Pro Pin: Michael Walsh $78
2nd: Paul Praestiin, David Kammer.
7th: Nathan Simpson, Mark James, Tony Waller.
12th: Patrick Hayes, Mark Stockwell, Michael Walsh.
16th: Michael Tink-Hornett, Trevor Neil.
Raffle: Ray Mills $25, Walter Fisk $25, Wayne Muir $25, David Harrod $50, Patrick Tregellas $50.
Capt Patrick 🫡