
Ladies Golf Results

Our “warm up” game today attracted 35 ladies who played a 2 person Ambrose. Great scores were returned by the players on their return to golf after the Christmas break.
Winners were Kaye Mills and Pauline Ryan 68 1/4 from Liz Edwards and Judy Mount 71 1/4. Rundown to 75.
NTP 2nd and 7th won by Pauline Ryan. Pro Pin won by Janet Haddrick $35, lovely start to the year.

Lucky number was 15 and winners were Liz Edwards, Colleen Kelly, Fran Janes – $20 on your cards.

We are all adjusting to new check in requirements and today we had to handle the raffle “self serve“. In future one of your c’ttee ladies will take the raffle money until she hits off and then for later players, raffle no.s may be purchased after your game.
I hope everyone enjoyed the service and food in the Island House, Barry and Rhys did a great job on their first day, lovely to see everyone enjoying being back “home.”

Lets start the year off by remembering to keep up with the people in front of you whilst on the course both on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We hit off at 6 minute intervals so to lose over an hour completing your round is unacceptable. Please do your best to keep up with the players in front of you.
Advice has been received that our AGM will take place on Saturday 20th March in the Island House. Please offer to stand for vacant positions on the Management Committee to keep our wonderful Club going.
Pauline R 🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️⛳️