
Men’s Golf Wednesday 5/5/21

The day started with, Blue sky and Sun, but as the morning progressed the clouds rolled in and around 10.30 the rain started to fall, and it rained for the next 5 hrs. 51 players took to the course. 47 in the morning field and 4 very keen players splashed around in the afternoon.

Division 1 winner Kyle Harrison 37pts on C/B Runner up Kevin Tooley 37pts.

Division 2 winner Ken Wood 35pts on C/B Runner up Sean Butler 35pts.

NTP’S Division 1 2nd Kevin Tooley 7th David Wallis 12th Steve Smith 16th Kyle Harrison

Divison 2 2nd Brian Britton 7th Peter Wazlawek 12th Michael Byrne 16th House

Pro Pin Steve Smith $43

Rundown went to 32pts

Weather permitting this SATURDAY we will have our Monthly Medal.

Joke of the week

A deaf mute guy walks up to a Foursome on the first hole, hands one of the players a card that says, “I am a deaf mute, playing as a Single, may I play through?” The guy that gets the card is a total jerk, shakes his head no, and points the deaf mute to go back and wait his turn.

A few holes later the jerk is standing in the middle of the fairway and gets hit in the head by a golf ball. In excruciating pain and pissed off, he turns around and sees the deaf mute holding up four fingers.

Hit em long and hit em straight

Kevin Haddrick