
Men’s Golf Wednesday 31/3/21

With the course drying enough and carts being allowed back, a field of 69 players set out to have some fun. Great scores were had from both Divisions.

Division 1 winner was Pat Hayes off 8 having 42 pts which included 5 birdies , Runner up was Charles Huff off 17 with a nice 40 pts.

Division 2 was won by Mark Jessop off 20 with 42 pts and Runner up was Nelson Brannigan off 23 with 38 pts.

Run Down went to 35 pts.

The nearest the pins was highlighted today with a Hole in one on the 16th by the young Terry Trevitt. Great shot Terry. The rest of the pins were won by , on the 2nd, Div 1 Graham Hopkins, Div 2 no one, on the 7th Div 1 Kevin Tooley and Div 2 Wayne Hunter, on the 12th Div 1 Dave Wallis and Div 2 Mark Jessop, on the 16th Div 1 Allan Danks and we already no Terry got Div 2. Pro pin on 12 went to Dave Wallis $58.

PLEASE REMEMBER, keep your carts on the fairways and paths, the rough is too soft to take your cart into, and let’s sand fill our divots and keep our fairways in good condition.

Anyone who wants to play Pennant golf the sheet is up in the score room.

Joke of the day.

Bert, at 80 years old, always wanted a pair of soft spike golf shoes. Seeing some on sale after his round, he bought some. He was so delighted with his new shoes, he decided to wear them home to show his wife.

Walking into the house, he proudly sauntered into the kitchen and said to his wife, ” Notice anything different about me, Margaret?”

She looked him over and replied, “Nope.”

Frustrated and annoyed, Bert stormed off into the bathroom, undressed and walked back into the kitchen, completely naked, except for the new golf shoes.

Again he asked her, a little louder this time, “Notice anything different “NOW” Margaret?”

His 78 year old wife looked up and said, “Bert, what’s different? “It’s hanging down today; ” It was hanging down yesterday; “It’ll be hanging down again tomorrow.”

Furious Bert yells, “And do you know WHY it’s hanging down, Margaret?” “Nope, not a clue.” she replied. ” It’s hanging down because it’s looking at my beautiful new golf shoes!”

Without missing a beat Margaret replied, “You shoulda brought a new hat.”

Hit em long and hit em straight

Kevin Haddrick