
Ladies. Golf. 16/9/21

Welcome back ladies nice to see your smiling faces unfortunately our members over the border will have to wait a bit longer to join us.

We had our Jared Lyle day and raised. $110. this was a very good effort. thank you ladies. The winner was Peggy Williams with 36 points on a c/b. Runner up. Bev. Culpitt. 36 points

NTP 2nd hole. Div 1. Denise. Culpitt. Div. 2. Coral. Rasmussen

Hole. 7. Div. 1. Colleen. Kelly. Div. 2. Coral Rasmussen

Pro. Pin. Glenda. Ballard. $34)?7

Rundown went to 26 point. Denise Melling. Helen Evans. Myra. Biggar. Daphne. Anderson. Coral Rasmussen. Colleen. Kelly. Kaye. Mills. Denise. Culpitt. Mary. Swanson. Marlene. Wyatt. Marilyn. Burns. Alison. Blair. Glenda. Blends. Lis Edwards. Desley. Harrington. Pat. Leaney. Lucy. Ablett. Dot Gronn

Raffles were won by. Myra. Biggar. June. McFadden and. Lyn. Simpson

Next week is just a stableford so. Good Golfing

Captain. Myra

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