So disappointing not to have our championships underway! Hopefully the weather people have got it wrong in our favour this time and we get to play Tuesday and Thursday. If that happens we will make it a 2 day competition. At this stage Tuesday looks to be the most doubtful day so watch this space, we may have to reschedule the championships to November. It depends on so many things.
Rodger and his team worked hard to get the course in championship condition for us and also for the men for the next 5 Saturdays. As fast as they do things another lot of rain comes along and sets them back!! We do appreciate their hard work.
Now on another note Melbourne Cup Day is coming up. The time sheet is out , it is a mixed event a fourball with 2 ladies or a man and a lady . The cost is $20 which includes A light lunch(Barry’s gourmet sandwiches) There will be sweeps and a raffle . Come along and have a fun day!
Cheers to all
Liz and Myra