Not too bad a day, with the wind getting up a bit in the second nine. Only 42 starters with rundown to 33pts all in.(capt. missed out)
Div. 1 winner Robert Sheppard(16)38pts. r/u Keith Cooper(20)36on c/b.
Div. 2 winner Ken(blender)Wood(28)35pts.on c/b Derryk Russell 35pts.
2nd. Bob Sheppard + Terry Trevitt.
7th. Bob Sheppard + John Bell.
12th. Wayne Muir + Terry Trevitt.
16th. Bob Sheppard + Bazza McFadden.
Raffles. $75 Roger Pettyfor. $25 Kim Thackery. $50 Tony Brown.
Well done to all winners. Xmas party mon. 4th December.
7.30 for 8.00am. shotgun start.
Good golfing and mental health. Cheers Capt. Dave. (red o`clock).