Golf Committee

Vets Golf.

Brrrrrr another cool day, cold wind but plenty of sunshine. Course is drying out nicely affording a lot more run on the ball. Only 41 starters with rundown 32pts all in.

Div. 1 winner Graeme Johnson (20)38pts. R/U. Bryan Penny(15)36pts.

Div. 2 winner Ken Wood (27)35pts. R/U. Peter Wazlawek (30)33pts.

N.T.P.S. 2nd House. 7th. Wayne Muir + Peter Wazlawek.

12th.Max Jessop+Ken Wood.16th.Brian Penny+ Ken Wood.

Raffles.$25 David Wallis $50.Pat Hayes + Terry Trevitt.

Well done to all winners. Good golfing and mental health.

Cheers Capt. Dave. (red o`clock.)

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