Golf Committee


Conditions of Play
Sunday, 4th AUGUST 2024

1. COMPETITION FEE: $20 per team – to be paid with Nomination. Envelopes to be placed in Red Box in Pro Shop.

2. Competition played over 27 Holes.



5. Each member must have handed in five single competition cards in the past 12 months.

6. The Championships are open to Club Banora members ONLY.

7. Club Banora Golf Club General Conditions of Play apply during the Championships.

8. The Championships will be played in groups of four [4] and off the Championship Markers. All play will commence from the first tee.

9. The lady will hit off odd tees on the first 18 holes. The man will hit off the odd tees on the final nine hole.

10. Best Gross Winners in each Division will be the Club Champions in their Division and their names will go on the Honour Board. Trophies will be awarded to the best Gross and best Gross Runner-Up in each Division. Best Nett and Nett Runner-Up in each Division.

11. In the event of a tie the Best Gross, a play-off will take place on four [4] holes: 10th, 14th, 15th, and 18th. The lowest Gross Score over these four holes will be the Winner. If there is still a tie, only the tied teams will play the same for four [4] holes in a sudden death play-off until the result is known.

12. It is the player’s responsibility, in the event of a play-off, to make themselves available at a time designated by the Match Committee. Only one major trophy can be won by any team i.e. Best Gross, Best Nett, Gross Runner-Up, Nett Runner-Up. In the event of a tie for Runners-up in Gross or Nett the A.G.U. count back system will apply.

13. Motorised buggies are permitted.

14. The tee off times will be 8:00AM to 10.00AM. The final nine holes will be at the Starter’s discretion.

15. The Match Committee has the right to change the format as it sees fit. Their decision is final.

On Behalf of the Match Committee

Patrick Tregellas – Captain Katrina Springfield – Vice President

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