
Men’s Golf Saturday 16th January

We had 86 players on a warm humid day, the showers cleared before the first group teed off and it stayed clear for the rest of the field.

Please ensure that if you have a provisional NTP or Pro Pin that you mark the appropriate card, as we had a player that was eligible for the Pro Pin and between him and his playing partners, they did not mark the card and therefore he did not win, in a very sportsman act the last name on the Pro-pin Mick Kemp shared his winners. This is a great example of why we have a great club…..Well done Mick

Now to the golf results, as mentioned we had a field of 86 players and we saw some good scores

Congratulations to our winners on the day;

Div. 1 Paul Pochodyla (12) 41 points

Div. 2 Nick Davis (21) 40 points

Runners Up

Div. 1 Al Hubbard (4) 38 points

Div. 2 Brendon Willoughby (23) 39 points, on countback from Jim Wood

Ball rundown to 33 all inclusive

NTP 2ndDiv1-Nigel Luxton, Div2-

NTP 7th– – Div1-Colin McLeod Div2-Ray Hewitt

NTP 12th– Div1-Mick Kemp, Div2- Paul Quinlin

Pro Pin- Mick Kemp $78,

NTP 16th – Div1-Michael Noakes, Div2-Stephen Evans

Lucky Draw Sponsored by North Real Estate—Macca McGuiness

Raffle- Stephen Caine (3), Steve Wilkinson (1) and Jim Wood (1)


Joke of the Day

A well off 45-year-old man wanted to join a regular foursome and after waiting two years he finally got his chance, he’d made it and was now to meet his three, new best friends. The discussion was brief as there were few rules governing this group.

1.] They talked betting and he did not care about the costs;

 2.] There was a 7 AM / 7 days a week tee time and could he make that rigid a schedule? His answer was yes, no problem, but occasionally I will be 20 – 30 minutes late, he was told as high as the wagering was, he’d be better off staying home.

 They played a quick 18 and the newbie shot 2 over par. Broke a little above even, money-wise.

 The next day he shot -1, but on this day, he played left-handed, where yesterday he played right-handed. The group had questions for the newbie.

“You’re about even on any side you play off and the difference in the two scores is probably due to feeling the course out.” “My real question is how do you decide which way you will play?” The newbie told them, “I go through my usual crap, shower and shave.” “Then I go to my bedroom closet and open it, viewing both club sets.” “Then I look at Naomi and if she’s on her left side, I shoot lefty; if she’s on her right, then that’s the way I’ll play.” Another player asks, “What if she on neither side?” He says, “Oh, that’s the occasion I’ll be 20 to 30 minutes late!”

Kevin Haddrick–Captain