
Men’s Golf Saturday 9th January

With the prospect of rain, we saw our field reduce considerably, those on course only experienced a very brief shower and the conditions were quite good for all the rain we have had over the preceding days. A smaller field of 56 players made it on to the course and completed their rounds.

Scores for the day were quite good.

On a housekeeping matter, don’t forget our” Christmas in January” day on the 23rd, shotgun start at 8 am with a sausage sizzle and drinks after. The day will be a single stableford (3 divisions), you will need to book and the field is limited to 80 players.

Now to the golf results, as mentioned we had a field of 56 players

Congratulations to our winners on the day;

Div. 1 Terry Foster (9) 42 points

Div. 2 Jim Benny (34) 44 points

Runners Up

Div. 1 Mick Tink Hornett (9) 41 points

Div. 2 Charles Hauff (19) 38 points

Ball rundown to 35 all inclusive

NTP 2ndDiv1-Patrick Hayes, Div2-John Baddeley

NTP 7th– – Div1-Simon Woolley Div2-David Kammer

NTP 12th– Div1-Mick Kemp Div2-Mick Walsh

Pro Pin- Mick Walsh $52 (first time well done)

NTP 16th – Div1-Terry Foster, Div2- David Kammer

Lucky Draw Sponsored by North Real Estate—Hugh Netto

Raffle- Clint Dunn (2), Allan Danks (1) and Nigel Luxton (1)


Joke of the Week (thanks Mark Jessop)

Four old-timers were playing their weekly game of golf. One remarked how nice it would be to wake up on Christmas morning, roll out of bed and without an argument go directly to the golf course, meet his buddies and play a round. His buddies all chimed in said, “Let’s do it! We’ll make it a priority – figure out a way and meet here early, Christmas morning.” Months later, that special morning arrives, and there they are on the golf course.

The first guy says, “Boy this game cost me a fortune! I bought my wife a diamond ring that she can’t take her eyes off of.” The second guy says, “I spent a ton too. My wife is at home planning the cruise I gave her. She was up to her eyeballs in brochures.” The third guy says “Well my wife is at home admiring her new car, reading the manual.” They all turned to the last guy in the group who is staring at them like they have lost their minds. “I can’t believe you all went to such expense for this golf game. I slapped my wife on the bum and said,’’ Well babe, Merry Christmas! It’s a great morning – golf course or intercourse? “She said, “Don’t forget your hat.”

Kevin Haddrick–Captain