
Men’s Golf Wednesday 7th January

A good field of 90 players experienced a great day for golf albeit the humidity was a pretty high and you felt like you had been in a wringer by the end of the round.

 We noticed a rarity with Div. 1 dominating the scores for a change.

 On a housekeeping matter can all players please ensure you fill in your divots and any others that you see during your round, this will ensure the fairways are kept in good condition and also if you are in a Cart, please ensure it is 15 metres from the green (unless you have medical exemption).

Congratulations to our winners on the day;

Div. 1 Stephen POTHOLE Smith 39 pts (16)

Div. 2 John Mason 36 pts (26)

Runners Up

Div. 1 Graham Hopkins 38 pts (15)

Div. 2 John McLoughlin 35 pts (22)

Ball rundown to 33 all inclusive.

NTP 2ndDiv1-Trevor Neil, Div2-Anthony Hodge

NTP 7th— Div1-Anthony Brown, Div2-Wayne Hunter

NTP 12th– Div1-Wayne Muir, Div2-John Olsen

Pro Pin- John Olsen $78

NTP 16th – Div1-Kim Hall, Div2-Jim Benny

Raffle- Dave Harrod (1), David Wallis (1) and Nigel Luxton (1)


Kevin Haddrick–Captain