
Vets Golf

Monday 11th January 2021.

Finally back into site, Happy New Year to all.

Monday 25th Jan $4 golf day shotgun start 7.30am for 8.00am tee off.

Sausage sizzle and drink after game. Put your name in computer not many spots left. Let us celebrate Australia Day and hope for a better year than last.

Last mon. Div .1 winner John Krause (15) 38pts R/U Darryl Davey (8) 36pts (sorry could not allow eagle as all strokes must be counted till ball falls in hole.You have option to remove flag or have attended Rule B.F.L)

Div.2 winner Alan Corke (27) 34pts R/U Grant McLean (27) 33pts.

Rundown a very generous 32pts all in.

Good golfing and mental health its red o,clock time cheers cap DAVE.