
Men’s Golf Saturday 1st May

Who would have thought we would be able to play 18 holes without rain, there was not many of the members with only 31 players being confident/brave enough for the day. The course was in pretty good condition with carts being allowed.  It was also good to see a number of members who played to stay around for a drink and some hot chips.

Now to the golf results, with the large number of withdrawals it was decided to postpone the Monthly Medal to next week and we played a single stableford off the whites for the day (non handicapped), with the field only being 31 players we only had one division for the day and only one NTP on the 12th.

Congratulations to our winner on the day;

Al Hubbard (3) with 41 points on countback

Runner Up was Phil Coles (14) with also 41 points on another countback from Jimmy Wood

Well done to those 3 players who all had a great round.

Ball rundown to 35 all inclusive

NTP 12th Allan Danks

Pro Pin- Allan Danks $31

Due to the number of players, we did not have a raffle and all the funds received were distributed back in prizes and rundown.


Joke of the Day

A duffer hits a wicked slice off the tee that ricocheted through the trees and onto the next fairway, narrowly missing another golfer.

When he got to his ball, he was greeted by the unintentional target, who angrily told him of the near miss.

“I’m very sorry” the errant golfer said, “I didn’t have time to holler fore”.

“That’s funny” the man replied,” you had plenty time to holler SXXT”.

Kevin Haddrick–Captain