
2021 AGM

Reminder to everyone our 2021 AGM is to be held on Saturday 20th March at 2pm at the Island House. Nominations have now closed . Copies of the nominations and the notice of motion have been placed on the Club Notice board .

We have one nomination each for President, Vice President and Treasurer. We have one notice of motion to be voted on- this concerns changes to the timing of election of office bearers.

At this stage we have not had a nomination for Secretary, our constitution states that we cannot accept nominations from the floor but we would welcome any expressions of interest and the committee will consider them !

There will be a shotgun start on AGM day with all members welcome to play- details of game and time to be finalised.

Club Banora Committee


Latest COVID news!!

We are pleased to announce that the management of Twin Towns have agreed to update their corona virus rules to allow us to use rakes in the bunkers and to now exchange score cards. This will be in operation from tomorrow Saturday 6 th Feb. ⛳️⛳️⛳️